Colca Canyon trekking

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  Peru trekking in the andes from colca canyon (Cabanaconde) to volcanoes valley (Andagua) crossing the andes range in Peru

4 days / 3 nights


This is a challenging and exciting trek that crosses the Andes from the Colca Canyon to the Valley of Volcanoes. We climb from 1,950 metres to 5,200 metres and then drop to back down to 3,200 metres within 4 days. Our itinerary allows a planned, gradual ascent in order to assist acclimatization.
During the trek you will only need to carry your camera and other essential items, while the rest of the gear, food, camping equipment and your large backpack will be carried by mules and a muleteer will look after the mules and their cargo.
Meanwhile, you will be accompanied by a dedicated guide. The guide will show you how to breathe, rest, and walk at high altitude.
This type of trek requires specialized guides, which we are able to provide. 


Maxim: 5200 m.


This beautiful PERU TREK begins in Colca Valley near Cabanaconde. We’ll visit part of Colca Canyon and andes range, visiting one of the most interesting attractions of the region of Arequipa, the Valley of the Volcanoes. The scenery is very special, it is possible to see the beautiful mountain range of Chila, Colca Canyon and the snow-capped mountains, the colorful country of Andagua and the black lava rock, as well as a valley where for 60 km there sprawl more than fifty small volcanic cones that give this region a very special geography.


The route of this trek is located in the province of Castilla and Caylloma, in the region of Arequipa. The most important towns are Cabanaconde and Chocco, in the area of Colca and Andagua near the Valley of the Volcanoes.


The only dificulty is the height, as we will be reaching passes of 5200 meters above sea level. Tourists must be acclimated.


The best season is from April to November.

First Day: Arequipa-cabanaconde-Choco

By tourist bus we leave Between 3:00 and 4:00 am you will be picked up from your hotel in a shared tourist minibus.

By private car we leave 4 am.
After 3 hours, we arrive to the town of Chivay, at 3,650 metres above sea level, where we have breakfast.
We then continue down the Colca Valley to the Cruz del Condor, where there is a 90 percent chance of seeing condors in flight.
In the same transport, we continue to the village of Cabanaconde, at 3,300 metres, arriving around 10:00 am.
In Cabanconde we have lunch and then start our descent in the 4WD to the Colca River at the bottom of the Colca Canyon, at an altitude of 1,950 metres.
The descent bu 4WD takes approximately 1 ½ hours.
Here we meet up with the mules and muleteer.  The mules will help us transport the supplies and fresh food as well as our backpacks (maximum 13 kilos per person).
The muleteer will take care of the mules and the equipment and will also help with food preparation. At the end of each day he will feed the mules.
The idea in this trek is that you only walk with a small backpack containing the things you need during the day such as sun cream, insect repellent, snacks and water. This will help you save energy to be able to continue trekking without problems on subsequent days.
The mules and the muleteer will accompany us until the fourth day of the expedition when we cross the highest pass at 5,200 metres and drop to the village of Chachas at 3,200 metres.  They then return to the village of Cabanaconde, taking 2 to 3 days.
With the mules, guide and muleteer, we start to head gradually upward into a branch the Andes known as the Cordillera de Chila.
After starting from the Colca River at 1,950 metres above sea level, we climb to 2,650 metres before reaching the village of Choco, where we make our first camp.

Second Day: Choco-miÑA

After breakfast we continue our trek towards the village of Miña at 3,500 metres. The trek takes us 6 hours, as we gradually work our way up the Miña Canyon.We make our second camp near the village of Miña, with its straw roofs and green agricultural terraces marking the upper limit of maize cultivation.

Third Day: MIÑA-achajota

Today we will trek for only 4 to 5 hours but will gain significant altitude, as we climb from 3,500 to 4,500 metres.
During the trek we will see gradual changes in the vegetation, with Andean straw grass (paja brava) beginning to predominate at the higher altitudes. There are magnificent views as we climb: behind us is the Colca Canyon and the village of Cabanaconde in the distance, nestled under the volcanoes Ampato and Hualca Hualca, while ahead we can see splashes of colour in the mountains, which are rich with minerals such as iron and copper.


Today we cross the Andes mountain range, reaching a high point of 5,200 metres of altitude. When we reach the pass, we will be greeted by stunning views of the snowcapped peaks of the Coropuna and Solimana volcanoes. (At 6,425 metres, Coropuna is the highest mountain in southern Peru).
After cross the high point we descent until Umapallca  4200 mhsl  (12:00 pm).Here a transport is wainting for us  the we drive to Chachas –Andagua , then after driving an hour we arrive to Andagua 13:00 hrs.
We will be able to enjoy the strange and wonderful sights of the Valley of the Volcanoes: here, there are over 85 volcanic cones of varying sizes, a true geological wonder that evokes the primal forces of the Earth.
In Umapallca the mules and muleteer bid us farewell and begin their return to Cabanaconde, which will take them approximately 3 days.
For this trek  you have 2 options:
Take the local bus the fourth day at 16:00 and arrive to Arequipa the fifth day 3:00 am
Or come back to Arequipa  by private car leaving 13:00  and arriving to Arequipa 9 pm
Or under request   you can pass one night in Andagua the fourth day and leave  the day after.






-Pick up from your hotel on the first day
-Drop-off from the bus terminal to your hotel on the last day
-Shared tourist transport to Cabanaconde on the first day
-4WD from Cabanaconde to the Colca River (start of the trek)
-Public bus from Andagua to Arequipa on the last day
-Tourist ticket for the Colca Valley
-Tourist ticket for the Valley of the Volcanoes
-All food from breakfast on the first day to dinner on the fifth day
-Camping equipment: tents and mattresses
-Table and chairs
-Cooking equipment: gas, plates, cutlery, etc.
-Guide with specific experience in this route for 5 days
-Muleteer that looks after the mules and helps with food preparation
- First mule: carries fresh food and cooking equipment
-Second mule: carries only the trekkers’ personal gear (maximum 13 kilos for person).


-Sleeping bag (if you need, you can rent one from our office)
-Water:  during the trek it is possible to buy bottled water in some places. The guide will indicate where this is possible and will also tell you where you can purify water
-Tips for the guide and muleteer 
It’s recommended to bring water purification tablets.

IMPORTANT: Remember that on the sixth day we arrive in Arequipa at around 4:00 am.
For those who don’t enjoy travelling by public bus or in shared tourist transport, ask about our private transport service.
For this trek there are no mixed groups, only private trips; for example, for friends or couples. A minimum of 2 people are required to guarantee a reservation.

BAGS FOR THE MULE.- And remember we provide on the treks, backs to transport your personal things  like this you need during the trek just a day pack to carry your sunblock, bottle of water, camera etc.

ECOLOGICAL  BAGS FOR THE  RUBBISH.-  Pablo tour is an ECO RESPONSIBLE COMPANY , Pablo tour`s team  take care the nature and during our tours, treks and expeditions our guides carry a bag for the plastic  bottles . Please if you buy plastic bottle of water   during the trek put the empty plastic bottle inside our ecological bags, the guide will transport it to our office in Arequipa city. Our guides will provide you this ecological Rubbish Bag.
Important: The rain season in Arequipa region is from November to March But during this months is possible to trek, the only month that sometimes we have many rain is on February .
On the rain season except February in the morning is blue sky, please during the rain season we recommend carry your rain jacket. But for this trek : Cabanaconde - Andagua crossing the andes range, we don`t recomend trek on February.

  • Swimming Customs.
  • Torch / Flashlight.
  • Sun Block.
  • Insects Repellent (Specially if you have sweet blood for them).
  • Towels.
  • Basics.
  • Snacks.
  • Water (you can buy in all the villages).
  • Cap or hat.
  • Personal medications.
  • Hiking stick(s).
  • Sleeping Bag, up the trekking.
  • Enthusiasm.
* There’s no risk of Malaria at all.
  • The passenger is under the obligation to mention of any health problem or past injury to assure and guarantee the safety of the trip. - We must be said weather the person is vegetarian to make the arrangements for his/her food.
  • In case of any struggle, please contact us the our phone numbers:
The stuff is competent and is being  trained eventually, every now and then.(OFFICIEL GUIDES).




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Address: Jerusalen 400-AB-1 Arequipa - Peru "PabloTour"
WhatsApp : ( 51) 941414048
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