Colca Canyon trekking

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ecological project in the Colca canyon


We as Peruvians live in a very sensitive part of the planet and global warming is already here.

I remember that in the 80's in one of our farms, we planted trees, together with my brother Yamil, of course by orders of my father.

We planted about 300 trees of which only 50 trees survived. There are many reasons why the other trees died, because of the cold, because of the lack of water, and also because the local people like to cut down the trees for their roofs, etc. Also as trees grow the roots encounter rocks and dry out.

Now these 50 trees are large and beautiful. After many years we see these trees with my brother Yamil and we feel proud of having been able to plant trees and create microclimates where there were none and without wanting to, since the 80's we have already been fighting global warming.

Pablo (Father), the founder of the travel agency, taught his children by example. Then we realized that Old Pablo always got ahead of things, now we regret not having planted 5 thousand trees.

After many years of working with the Pablo Tour travel agency, we have to give back what nature gives us.

Thanks to our nature we have our client friends, we can generate jobs in favor of our community, we can also organize tours. It's not just about picking up trash on tours, as we do with our guides and clients, it's about something else...

Our goal for 2025 is:

And thanks to your support we can do it:

1.- buy 1000 small trees and plant them
2.- Buy tanks to store water
3.-Buy hoses to water the trees by drip system
4.- Buy a motor to raise water to the tanks
4.-Prepare the land to plant the trees
5.-Pay a local person for surveillance and irrigation for many years

Ask : And where will we get the money to do all this? We propose the following: If you buy a tour from our Travel agency, we assure you that part of the money you pay will be used for our Ecological project.

Important: We do not ask you for money for this project, we do it with part of our profits.

We are calculating:

For each client we have, we will take 3% of our profit and we will donate this money to our project. However, if there are people interested in supporting us, they can do so and we ask them to please contact us:

-Technical help
-happy and crazy volunteers

Project start:
February 1, 2025

From that moment on we will show you the evolution of the project through videos and photos.

Edwin Junco Cabrera
Ecologist and Explorer
Director Manager and CEO Pablo tour




































Extreme Caution Payments Sale Rules

Address: Jerusalen 400-AB-1 Arequipa - Peru "PabloTour"
Telephone: ( 51) ( 54 ) 203737
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