Colca Canyon trekking

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Recomended By
  mocurca lake trek & horse


This Trek is situated in the high part of the Colca Canyon (Cabanaconde) the mocurca lake is located on the basements of the snow–capped Ampato, having an attraction for the panoramic view of this snow–capped mountain.

On this colca canyon trekking we can find the calm, peace inside the peruvian mountains, we don't find any turists. The contact with the mother nature is the most important on this tour.

We can find southamerican camelids like lamas alpacas, migratory's birds, Inside this tour we can make an oldest andean ritual called PAGO A LA PACHA MAMA

day 1

Departure from Arequipa 12:00 p.m. with direction to Colca Canyon - Cabanaconde 3287m, arriving at 7:00 p.m. Dinner and night in “Valle del Fuego” hostel.

day 2

After the breakfast, we go to the Mucurca lagoon, in the sector of Liway, and up to the 4600m. We arrive to the lagoon in 8 hours of way, and sleep in the only family high-Andean house in the Mucurca lagoon (in tent).

This high level of the Colca Canyon's region is knowed by his little population.

day 3

We approach the snow-capped Ampato (6318m above sea level) and come back to the Colca Valley - Cabanaconde passing the last night in this town (Valle del Fuego hostel).

day 4

We come back to Arequipa by local bus or private transportation.

Kinds of Services

  • Local bus, direct to Cabanaconde
  • Private 4×4 car

In case that the service would be private, you'll be able to visit the different natural reserves:

  • Natural reserve of Aguada Blanca and Salinas (vicuńas, llamas and alpacas)
  • Huambo town
  • Prolongations of the volcanoes Valley
  • Petroglifos de Toro Muerto
  • Prolongation Atacama desert
  • View of dunes
  • Mountain guide
  • Transportation 4x4 or Local Bus
  • Complete food
  • 2 nights in hostel, 1 night in tents
  • Donkey (1) during 2 days, and a muleteer
not included
  • Extra water and food
























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Address: Jerusalen 400-AB-1 Arequipa - Peru "PabloTour"
WhatsApp: ( 51) 941414048
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